Body Image Bullshit

I was chatting with a good friend of mine the other day on the beach. We were out in our bikinis, talking about if we had a body part we’d change. We both said we had, but that would be telling. I got thinking in more depth about what I would really like to change and why and how our society has created an image we would all like to fit. Long hair, a straight nose, full lips, large round boobs with small nipples, slim waist but with curves… you get the idea. And of course, the ever growing trend of shrinking down to a certain size. I am SO pleased to see that this is coming to a halt pretty sharply. There was a big ordeal about the latest mannequin in Topshop, idolising an unattainable weight for most women. Now, I wouldn't have batted an eye lid at it before, at least not consciously but I think that’s the operative word. Consciously. I realised how subtly I have looked at clothes on a mannequin, thought “those jeans look pretty dope” and then gone into the chan...