
Showing posts from February, 2016

What to do when you feel like sh*t.

Funnily enough, I wasn't able to write this post whilst I was actually feeling like poop. I was waking up with the classic chest crushing that comes with being depressed. A depressed almost 25 year old who is flunking uni because of it and doesn't know what she's doing. Classic. Although in this day and age, we don't need to have to have it all together until we're like 35 now right? 25 is the new 17 and I am mostly okay with it. During this week, I sought out my classic "low comforts" with some surprising new additions. I figured there was a post in it and maybe it will help someone else. Smoking Controversial riiiiiight? For the most part, I am a non smoker but when the black dog is in town it actually really helps. Don't go and do it if you don't, for the love of lungs! But if you do, make yourself a cup of tea, a custard cream and appreciate the nicotine. Shower Obvious maybe but obviously lush. Routine is a good thing to try and...

When in Rome

We woke up and it was Rome day! The day we had been waiting for, for a whole month. Torture right? We had only just packed after spending the night in the pub with Doug and Harry and had a frantic last check for the passports. We got an uber to stansted, where we arrived 3 hours early with plenty of time to kill. I felt a bit ropey so cained various drugs of the legal and pain killing variety and went to spoons for a few drinks. Classic. Our flight got delayed for an hour, which saw a few cheeky g n t's consumed in the queue and then we were well on our way. The flight was painless and infact I am really starting to enjoy flying aside from the whole giant metal, heavy tube in sky thing. I did however, need a wee and went to the very front instead of the back of the plane. I decided instead of doing the walk of shame back to my designated toilet, just to wait it out and managed to get trapped whilst the air hostesses worked their way up the isle offering a range of beverages and re...