Christmas work party - Be @ one.

After a hard (boring) day at work it was finally the work do. I didnt really want to go. Lauren was home for Christmas, Jonathon refused to come from day one and I was tired. Never the less, we got let out 30 minutes early.
I told Johnathon i was going to text him every 5 minutes so he could feel like he was there.
Mark led what he thought was the way to the pub. And after a lot of walking and chronic texting to Johnathon. We found the place.
Its a cool little bar in Farringdon called - Be @ one.
Its actually really neat. Its not that big but they were blaring some old bangers as soon as we walked in. Id like to tell you the drinks are cheap but if im honest, i have no idea. I didnt pay for one drink (thanks work).

We made our way down to the basement which is where our work party was being held.
It was absolutely packed and i couldnt see anything for looking. I spoke to my boss for the first time EVER and he gave me some tokens to get some large glasses of wine (Oh god). He looks like Celo Green. It was cool.

Ofcourse, me being me, i got all of my wine in one, no fucking about here boys and girls. Yes i WAS the girl with 2 glasses of wine in her hands, both for her. I was a bit apprehensive as i hadn't eaten all day, but never the less, i started drinking my large malbec. I think i'm definitely set that merlot is my wine of choice. Malbec tastes like delicious soap.

I had a chat to Mark and we found Chris. We spoke about how wine was of more value for tokens than beer, and how i should definitely be Chris's gfs new best friend. Obviously id finished a glass of wine at this point. Apparently she cant be seen without wine in her hand but doesn't have a lot of girl mates, and i wondered, why the hell not?! Sounds like a catch to me. Must remember to add her on Facebook.

Sam then turned up and introduced me to some new colleagues. I think his name was Adrian and he was really cool. We had a good chat about music and pop music and all of our opinions on it. It was nice. I got shunned momentarily for confessing i like One Direction, but then was back in the good books for liking the Sugarbabes. Im sure there's logic there somewhere.
Then i got introduced to Daphne. What a name. She wanted to go home because her gf was waiting for her with pizza and she just had some broad beans in her bag which she called "healthy bullshit". I liked her. She use to do GAMING as a JOB. She gave me another drinks token  (aw) and that is how i found my 3rd, completely unnecessary glass of wine at this point, in my hand.
I also managed to speak to Adam about his life long dream of threesomes and America. It was a good night, and considering, i think i was very well behaved.

Sam walked me back to the tube as i was going to visit James and his good friend Adele who i had never met before. But not before stopping off to buy me dinner and tobacco (thanks Sam). I've made some great friends here.

The tube ride was pretty good, i definitely almost missed my stop and probably sang out loud at some points. I was medium battered and now i had to put on a brave face to meet the other woman in James's life. Did i put on a brave face? I tried.
I came in, got introduced and immediately told her i thought she was a babe. She is well good. She showed me her tattoo on her shaved head which i couldn't read because i had wine eyes, and we spoke about the women we would and wouldn't bang. She has a phobia of gingers which i was outraged by until i remembered i already knew that and i wasn't actually naturally ginger.

James walked her back to the station, and apparently at this point i deemed it necessary to tell Holly, who was also there, that i would "scissor the fuck out out her" and proceeded to do the action with my fingers for 2 minutes until it hurt. (Sorry family reading this...awks) I guess that means i thought she was cool. And no later than 5 minutes, started being sad because i didn't understand why James wouldn't date her instead because she was so cool. Holly had to talk me through the fact that her being a lesbian was a pretty large barrier and i listened.
Apparently the sadness was short lived as i then bounded into the flat next door to play rock band, which i'm pretty much appalling at. Left my shoes there - apparently taking them off is something you do to "get into the zone".
I then promptly left the flat to throw up my tuna salad i scoffed down a bit too late in the drinking session and went to bed.

I woke up in the morning remembering doing the scissor action for a long time and couldn't remember at what point of the night it was... was it at the work do?
When i was informed at what point it was, i don't know if it was a relief or not.

It was a great night.


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