Winter Wonderland.

Holly and I had an accidental girl date which was great fun.
It all started out after a failed attempt to meet at London Bridge.
Guys, if you're meeting someone in London, you have to be so specific about where. Especially if your phone is going to die.
London seems to deem it necessary to have about 34973 fucking exits for every station, path or shop. So when you say "Meet you at the exit", don't assume everyone know what your're talking about, or what stairs is the right stairs.
After waiting for about 40 minutes, I figured Holly's phone had died and shed given up waiting for me in an entirely different place to where I was, my fingers were frozen and I was sober, so i started to head off to Canada Water to see if shed gone back to charge her phone to tell me she'd given up. But on my hasty walk to the station, she called me and said she was in Costa, charging her phone and she would come and meet me now.
After alot of walking around, and describing the sounds (haha) we could hear to find each other (neither of us knew what the street food stall names were) we arrived at the SAME exit/entrance for Southwark cathedral.
And finally, girl date could begin.
We went to "EAT". Which is kinda a new favourite generic coffee shop place of mine now.
I had a falafel and houmous wrap.
For anyone that thinks i've gone vegetarian - i understand your concern. But don't worry, i'm still the carnivore you all know and love for burgers being demolished.
There is just some banging veggy food around. Also, totally into houmous right now.
We both had a cup of tea and a little sit down.
We spoke about life, love, you know, generic girly things. Mate, i just realised, if cups of tea and coffee could listen yeah, imagine how much they would HEAR?!
We then ventured back to where Holly lives to go to the big T, as holly likes to call it. After what seemed like a maze to find mulling spices, and 2 customer service assistants (lol) we left with all the the important things, 2 bottles of wine, and some spices.
We got back, compared bra quality, i guess girls DO really do that, and ventured into the kitchen to start our wine. Holly got on some banging tunes which quickly turned the kitchen into a mini Christmas disco.
The first bottle of wine was already mulled, cheats I know, but you needed one to be already made, to drink whilst you're making the other one right? That was my logic.
After a big bowl of cheesy pasta and baileys chocolate, it was time to bring out the wine skills.
I left for no longer that 2 minutes, coming back to hear Holly say " was I suppose to leave the spices in the tea bag? " yes holly. Yes you were. It was beautiful.  We then had to devise a contraption that would rescue said wine. We opted for a weird siv, metal, which burnt me along with hols not so accurate pouring skills. So rubber gloves were added into the mix. There was alot of laughter and it was probably due to the previous bottle.

We ventured out to winter wonder land for the last hour if it being open and boy was it worth it. What did we do? We got a pretzel and had our photo taken in one of those wooden face hole things.
I was too short.
We got a stranger to take the photo and wondered why he was almosy doubling over when he showed us after. It is a treat.
We both got serious heartburn laughing uncontrollably whilst trying to swallow our pretzel as we made our way around.
Pretzel was banging. We opted for salty from a little market stall. And it was made fresh. The first real fresh pretzel I had. I wanted the rasin one but I consoled myself in that I could "totally make one".
So to my London friends, the pretzel stall is well work checking out. It was £3.50 and prices went up for various toppings. Totes worth it.


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