Stop or stay. Gotta love a life choice.

More than one person in my life is going through the midlife crisis of finishing something. It doesn't seem to matter what it is, as long as they do it. I guess it definitely depends if you are a journey person, or a destination person... My logic is and has always been, is if something isn't making you happy, don't bother. Its obviously not as black as white as that and everyone has up and down days. But seriously. People bust their ass for promotions, climbing the corporate ladder and the like, for what? If they hate their job, why are they doing it? Some people are into discipline, routine. Some people have satisfaction in not giving up and seeing things through, but is that really helping or harming them? Depending on how you see it, it could be either. For me, i have never gone further than a sales assistant in a job. I've been given more responsibility than a sales assistant usually would but as far as title goes, nada. I've never been interested in being a m...