Oh HI Hereford!

After the past 3 months of trying to find a part time job to keep me afloat in London, i've fucking thrown in the towel.

... Just kidding.
But i am back for 2 months.
I went bounding there, so full of promise that after my redundancy, i would be able to bounce back and find a job in no time. It's London right, with all of the jobs?! Wrong.

London is about as organised as i am. If you know me, it's not great news. In fact i was surprised to learn that Hereford might genuinely be more on course. I understand there are less population, less power, generally less of everything... but come on London, pull yourself together!

I have jumped through all kinds of hoops, security and otherwise to try and secure myself something to pay my rent whilst i continue to write, and to not much avail. Just a lot of waiting.
Its nearing the point where i will be able to move in with a certain special someone and so now, i have taken a step back to save, re-group, sublet my room in London and look at my options.

I have grown to be fond of London. It wasn't easy at first and i've only just started to see the benefits in the most recent month after living there since December. I was never that far away from a meal out, a drink with my friends, a "talk" or a museum. And all of that includes never being that far away from James (vom).

This post is mostly about taking steps back to get forward.
I had a sit on my bed last night, had a bit of cry. Moped around the house eating malteasers out of a box.
I chatted to my dad about how between him, my mum and James, i am pretty much kept alive. My dad teased me about how he figured i would be self-sufficient by 17 and he may have also used some offensive language. But hey, there is an element of truth to some jokes right?
I figured by at least 20 i would have some idea about what i was doing and where i was going, and i kind of did, for 20 year old me.
20 year old me didn't know i would be dating James, living in London, wanting to write.

I was proud of myself for just upping and moving somewhere completely mental, even if it was for a depressing reason. And now i'm sat back on my bed at home, like it didn't even happen.
The difference is though, i actually have a plan now. I know what and who my future could look like. I know i am here to take the necessary steps to make that happen, and in 2 months i will be in one room instead of 2.
This time, i know its not all about what you should be doing but what you actually want to do.

So for the next 2 months, i am going to enjoy some posh swimming, fresh air, and time with my family before i bound into my next bout of creating the life i want.
I cant work out if this post is too soppy but i haven't had much sleep, i'm probably ovulating so i'm going to blame that.

If you ever feel like you are taking more steps back than you would like to, just remember you are looking forward and that's the important bit.
Kind of like a treadmill. (They aren't important though)


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