A personal note.

I'm going to be honest about why i started this blog. I've medium touched on it but you know, just little snippets. 
I don't like laying too much out on the internet, a) It's not smart and b) Where's the mystery, guys?!
but this isn't that much of a secret.

I suffer from depression and anxiety disorder.

These 2 disorders have plagued my entire life and not without other disorders coming and going throughout growing up. 

The point is, i first started this blog as an outlet but also with a shell. "Sophie is loving life and here's what you can do with yours etc."
But, that's bullshit.
Am i happy in all the things i have done and written about? Absolutely.
Did it take me fucking 5 hours to make it out of bed to maybe do it? Quite possibly. 

I switch between writing about things I have seen, done and love, to writing about things i have discovered about myself, life and my brain. 
I've wondered how to merge these two together and yesterday it became more clear to me. 
Stop pretending to be a travel lifestyle blog and be honest about being a sufferer trying to live life.

I spent all of my childhood crippled with anxiety, something that never left me. I spent most of my teens in my bedroom or being drunk, struggling in abusive relationships with friends,  partners and most importantly, myself. I am 24 and have never owned my own passport. Don't get me wrong, i had wonderful friends and a wonderful family in so many ways, but i was drowning. I moved to London in dire straights as one last attempt to shock myself out of the life I had somehow become 
accustomed to but loathed. I had been stuck in the same place for so long because i was scared to do anything and scared to do anything alone, that when i finally didn't value my own life enough any more, I thought "What do I have to lose?"
It was possibly the best thing that has ever happened to me, i am now playing 'catch up' and this is how my own life started. 

Do you know, I get most of my hits on personal posts rather than reviews?
There are so many people out there who feel exactly like me and feel like it's only them.
Maybe one day I can be some inspiration to try and tackle life and embrace what it has to offer which is what I and many others do every single day. To me, that is more important than just starting a generic blog where I tell you where is good to eat and how i saw some dandelion bulbs at a museum. 

Life is hard and wonderful, and my blog will probably show both of those things throughout of my journey.
So if you're looking to read something real, you've come to the right place.


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