Whenever I can Writing challenge - What I love about Christmas

I've basically changed the challenge name because not only can I not be bothered to check what number I'm on but also, this almost definitely hasn't been done over 30 days. WHO HAS THIS TIME! I have been knee deep in research journals, citations and references for the past 2 weeks which I am sooo over for the next 2 weeks, which means I am ready to fully embrace my Christmas spirit! (And may have a little more time to write about something that isnt Freud or Bowlby) I am currently living through my hangover as I can't sleep, which sucks, but will however lead me onto number one of what I love about Christmas... 1) Glühwein with Jagermiester Oh man, I had 2 and 1/2 of these on an empty stomach and let me tell you, you need no more than 3. Whoever thought of mixing alcohol with an alcohol mixer was infact a genius. It is now my favourite Christmas drink. Though mulled wine always has been, I'm not sure i'll be satisfied without the Jager anymore. 2) Picking out pr...