Whenever I can Writing challenge - What I love about Christmas

I have been knee deep in research journals, citations and references for the past 2 weeks which I am sooo over for the next 2 weeks, which means I am ready to fully embrace my Christmas spirit!
(And may have a little more time to write about something that isnt Freud or Bowlby)
I am currently living through my hangover as I can't sleep, which sucks, but will however lead me onto number one of what I love about Christmas...
1) Glühwein with Jagermiester
Oh man, I had 2 and 1/2 of these on an empty stomach and let me tell you, you need no more than 3.
Whoever thought of mixing alcohol with an alcohol mixer was infact a genius. It is now my favourite Christmas drink. Though mulled wine always has been, I'm not sure i'll be satisfied without the Jager anymore.
2) Picking out presents
I know it's cheesy but I do love it. I genuinely experience so much more joy giving presents than I do recieving them. There is just something about surprises for other people that make me so happy and excited. Saying that, I still have no idea what to get my father for Christmas. Socks?
3) Dancing around to Christmas songs
This week I have been cautious not to put too many on, purely because I didn't allow myself to get into the spirit until Uni was over for this semester as it was so stressful. But every so often, and almost especially when I was dying my hair, James would catch me wialing at the top of my lungs to shakin' stevens just in my pants with a bag around my head. I'm sorry but I just can't keep that shit in. And my body wants to move, just like N.E.R.D said.
4) Pork rolls with stuffing
Where would Christmas be without them? Vegitarians and vegans need not answer that.
They are one of my favourite Christmas foods and combo and I was lucky enough to inhale some today at the Christmas market on South Bank. Hitting all dem macros. Well, until a huge gust of wind blew my plate off the table and across the entire floor.
5) My dad gets drunk
I mean, this isn't exclusive to Christmas in any way but it's equally as good. We have blaring Christmas music on through most days leading up to Christmas and then Christmas day...
6) My dad cooks Christmas dinner whilst tipsy
Also a favourite of mine. The kitchen is always freezing because he will have 98924 windows open and 374 things cooking. He will get into master chef zone and all i'll hear is my mother carefully open the kitchen door and my dad exclaim "Chelle, just go and sit down!"
About 12 times.
7) If I get to see my Nephew
Babies make Christmas more magical even though I don't like them in any way. Seeing his face when he opens stuff or his endless energy keeps me mostly awake in a procecco filled haze ( I will have stopped adding orange juice about 3 glasses in).
8) Being romantic
This isn't obligtory and if you aint shacked up then be romantic with your bad self instead.
Last year, James took me to the woods that we first hung out in on Christmas morning. This year we are going to have 4 days of drinking mulled alcohol in London, a frinner (fried Christmas dinner) and then go home to do pretty much the same thing but without having to be adults.
9) The fact that it's completely acceptable to drink alcohol everyday
Every other day of the year, my mum questions my life choices, my sister questions my life choices, my friends might questions my life choices, but nooooooo, come the 12 freaking days of Christmas and my normal alocholism is at accepted levels. And most people can accomodate it. *happy sigh*
10) Most people are cheery
I saw a sign that said
"Londoners say nothing Jan-Nov
December it's all "Merry Christmas!"
I love it. I feed off peoples Christmas cheer and it's totally a thing. Unless you are tourists at the Christmas market or you walk slow and take up the entire path.
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