
Showing posts from December, 2014


God, i'm hungover and i don't even know where to begin. I met Hannah at the tube station and we made our way to Lidl to buy wine, anchovies, houmous, pitta bread and some ginger bread things for my house mates. We got to mine about 4.30pm and started drinking immediately. Pretty bad life choice. I then wanted to make Hannah "delicious pasta", which is something James created at some point and showed me. It took me so long to do anything. Id started "cooking tea" for 20 minutes before anything was even in the pan. This night was going to go well. After some more wine and a frantic text to James asking him why my anchovies weren't going into a paste like they were suppose to, it ended up how it was suppose to, and then i fried some halloumi on top. Im not entirely sure what happened to me but i'm becoming domesticated. Hannah said it was nice, she ate it all so i believed her and then we got some tunes on. Charles let us borrow his speakers in...

Christmas work party - Be @ one.

After a hard (boring) day at work it was finally the work do. I didnt really want to go. Lauren was home for Christmas, Jonathon refused to come from day one and I was tired. Never the less, we got let out 30 minutes early. I told Johnathon i was going to text him every 5 minutes so he could feel like he was there. Mark led what he thought was the way to the pub. And after a lot of walking and chronic texting to Johnathon. We found the place. Its a cool little bar in Farringdon called - Be @ one. Its actually really neat. Its not that big but they were blaring some old bangers as soon as we walked in. Id like to tell you the drinks are cheap but if im honest, i have no idea. I didnt pay for one drink (thanks work). We made our way down to the basement which is where our work party was being held. It was absolutely packed and i couldnt see anything for looking. I spoke to my boss for the first time EVER and he gave me some tokens to get some large glasses of wine (Oh god)...

Winter Wonderland.

Holly and I had an accidental girl date which was great fun. It all started out after a failed attempt to meet at London Bridge. Guys, if you're meeting someone in London, you have to be so specific about where. Especially if your phone is going to die. London seems to deem it necessary to have about 34973 fucking exits for every station, path or shop. So when you say "Meet you at the exit", don't assume everyone know what your're talking about, or what stairs is the right stairs. After waiting for about 40 minutes, I figured Holly's phone had died and shed given up waiting for me in an entirely different place to where I was, my fingers were frozen and I was sober, so i started to head off to Canada Water to see if shed gone back to charge her phone to tell me she'd given up. But on my hasty walk to the station, she called me and said she was in Costa, charging her phone and she would come and meet me now. After alot of walking around, and describ...

My (kinda) first London meltdown.

Ive had a few "breakdowns", mini life crises, beginner life crises or whatever you want to call them in my short (ish) time on earth. And unfortunately for me, today was no different. When I moved here, my heart was here, I was sure London had everything I wanted and needed and I was going to find what was right for me here. But during a midnight meltdown, I had to ask myself some questions. Why am I in London? What am I doing here? What do I want from this city and this experience? Is this the right thing to be doing? If you know me, you know i'm a full beach buddy. I love the sea, I love attempting to body board and I generally feel more peace knowing the coast isn't too far from me. Before I moved to London, I wanted to move to the beach, settle down and start a life with James. I knew Cornwall was somewhere I could see myself staying for a long time and James and I had spoken about it all. Things had changed when he moved to London and he wants to stay her...

Housemate film night!

After a passionate discussion in the garden with Warren about our love for Disney films (and dinosaurs), we decided to watch a film that evening on his projector. It was a film id never seen before, something to do with fairies, evil oil and trees being chopped down, so i took his word for it as it sounded like the far away tree! I went out for a " get my room looking like a room" trip number 2 and got some more life essentials like candles that smell like strawberry, i had a quick visit to tooting park that looks like this - I also set off out to Holloway road for a band audition, and in true Sophie style, never found it. I informed the band mates, had a tantrum to myself over a hot chocolate in Starbucks at Kings Cross and made my way back home for house mate night. We weren't very well prepared as it was a last minute thing. Warren had whatsapped me to tell me the only way we separate watching Disney films as kids to adults is alcohol. I obviously agree, but ...

The move and Tooting Broadway!

So today i am awake 2 hours early, 7.10am ...... what the frick. I am being clutched by the arms of my favourite tattooed man, and trying not to make too much noise. Its flipping moving day! After a month (what seems a year) of utter chaos, uncertainty, exhaustiveness and some fun thrown in there too, i am SO ready to have my own space. I was warned by oh-knowledgeable-one, also known as my father, and James about how difficult it would be to move down and start work without a place, and i totally agreed, but it didn't stop me. Im glad i didn't let it but its been in no way easy. Ive packed my giant rucksack, full of various "essentials" branded house items, like a sauce pan and frying pan. I feel so adult. I have lemon sherbets too - also an essential. And in about an hour ill be catching the tube to my new home. I haven't been excited for a while if im honest, but i think that's because im just really excited to go home and see my family for Chri...

My first London house party.

I hastily dashed to Tesco to grab a bottle of wine up to 5 pounds, needed to do something nice. Up to 5 pounds is like my posh London limit. For myself i got 1.49 Tesco value Spanish red wine. Its still sitting in my pocket, ill be sure to make a review. I was literally FALLING asleep on the tube after being up since 7.45 - it may sound like nothing if you don't know me, but if you do, that's like me pretty much being up since 3am. Id also been cooked a banging lunch by the male and wed gone for a hot chocolate at "EAT." (Never been there before) after i moved in - busy flipping day. So i rocked up, bottle in hand, Lauren was waving franticly from her door and i was welcomed into the house as the 3rd guest. No one EVER comes to a house party dead on the time, its funny because i think everyone thinks that, so people just don't turn up until like 11pm. Well, because of that, we had more pizza and wine than ANYONE! After getting told off for saying yolo a...

NHM and Covent Garden.

I was suppose to meet Lauren at 12.30 for our London tour at Covent garden. Its a cool free tour that people do for tourists which Anooj had recommended to me and i was ready for it! I couldnt find Lauren anywhere, and about 12:55, i resided to the fact we weren't going to make it. Little did i know, she was waiting for me on the other side of the station.  WHY DO TUBE STATIONS NEED SO MANY EXITS! We had a look around to find out where we were suppose to go for the tour, but come 1:10, we were thinking about food instead. So we had a wonder around Covent garden. It was really cool. There were market stands everywhere and i saw a bag one... NO ONE WAS THERE TO DRAG ME AWAY. I found one i loved for £20 and had to turn the blindest of eyes. My mum would be proud. I heard some live music playing from somewhere, so i went to go and check it out. There was a super cool band playing outside one of the cafes. Giant bauballs hanging everywhere. They were dancing whilst playing and i...

Training day.

I did a sensible adult thing and made sure i went to find my work place the DAY before. It worked out well because i was still searching for about an hour. I eventually admitted defeat for a second time and went for a sit down in subway where i met a guy called Darren. We chatted about life over hot chocolate and sandwiches, as it was just us in there and he even knew where Hereford was. He told me about this cool restaurant he works at where everything is dark and you have no idea what you're eating. He said if i couldn't get a reservation in advance to just say i was his friend. He was really lovely and cheered me up on my miserable work mission. When i realised where it might be, it was under a giant tunnel through a glass door that you could hardly see. Easy. Either way i breathed a sign of relief and i was ready for tomorrow.                                           ...

Hostel Highlights.

I came back to the Hostel again to start my life without a place... Bold. But mostly it was fun. I went to the Green Man on Edgware Road after James recommended it to me.  I cant recommend it enough. The staff are wonderful. Ive been there on and off for about 2 months, and because ive started this blog 2 months late, Im going to do the highlights! I met a dude called Riccardo, he was sleeping in the bunk next to me who also had a guitar. He was learning English but we managed to hold conversations and it was lovely. He let me borrow his phone charger. After him finding out i was a singer, he whacked out his guitar and we had a jamming session that he recorded on his phone! It was great fun. I sang Eric Clapton and Amy Winehouse. Were looking to do an open mic at some point.  I also met a guy called Rob who i kept in touch with too. It happened purely by accident, we just started chatting over a smoke and soon it turned into a fun evening. We bonded over neuroscience a...

Hostel and Camden.

About 2 weeks later after id done all the tourist stuff, my friend Chris gave me a lift to London for a job interview id landed at a market research company. It was pretty much a road trip. He had all the car essentials like maltloaf, posh crisps, cider and 2000 rock music. It was great. We spent a lot of time listening to Green day and talking about dinosaurs. Chris managed to demolish a bag of crisps with one hand and we had a pretty pleasant 4 hour journey as far as car journeys go. He even let me smoke out of the window. Top lad. We parted ways at Cock Foster. I had a freak out because that WASNT IN MY PLANNED LONDON ROUTE! And I was about to get the tube alone for the first time. He walked me in, and I glued myself to city mapper, rechecked it about 5 times in 1 minute before essentially standing on the wrong side of the tube train. I made it on and sat nervously but also somewhat proud that I was sat, alone, on a tube, with an oyster card that I now knew wasn't an actual ...

Greenwich & Soho.

I rocked up to London again a few days later. It was all I could think about. My tube fear hadn't diminished but I managed to stand on the right once or twice. Always a bonus. Jode met me from the station and we got a tube to somewhere central. Don't ask me where. The tube was alright a part from a drunk man started talking to us, I had no idea what he said but I thought he was telling me off. The tube stopped and Jodie said "run." And bounded off. Just what you want for your second London experience.  She did later inform me it was just because she thought he was crazy and not because he was going to kill us. I had about 3 cigarettes. Jode took me to Whole foods.. id never been before and was like a little kid. They had bagels the size of my face and any type of chocolate you could think of. Ooohh AND they have this nut thing where you can make your own nut butter. Genius. .                           ...

Day 2

James was at work this day, and i had the Sunday to myself. There was no way in hell i was going on the tube by myself, i didnt even understand how to do it. Have you seen a tube map? What. The. Fuck. So i sort of hung around in James's kitchen feeling awkward and somewhat defeated. I was just thinking about how London definitely wasnt for me, and maybe i really did hate big cities. But atleast id given it ago. Then Tim popped in the kitchen, one of James's house mates and said hey. I got chatting to him and it turns out the flat and next door were going for an explore and said i could join them. I thought, fuck it! Im only here until tomorrow! So off i went with Johnny, Rosie, Sam and Tim, people id known less that 24 hours, to explore London. Bold move. Sam helped me top up my oyster card as i still didnt quite understand what was going on and what i had to beep, then we were on our way to Green Park! It was bad ass. I could cope with parks, ive seen them before ya...

The beginning!

So wine in hand, ive decided to start a blog on my life and experiences. Ive recently moved to London so i think its best to start with that. Reverting back to a month ago, i was a little lost country bumpkin in a big bad city. I didnt really understand anything. I arrived at Paddington station for the first time in my life. Completely crowded and terrifying, but they did have a burger king. James met me for the first time in London and i shuffled up to him sheepishly. It was a Saturday - not a great day to experience London for the first time. After about 10 post train cigarettes and a well deserved cup of tea, we were on our way. James asked me if i wanted an oyster, thought it was a bit of a weird time for such specific seafood. It was then explained that it was a travel card thing with some big bad ass machines that you put money on them with, so I agreed obvs and watched all in a blur as the 473934739 people shuffled and hussled around. I was led to a beepy thing, some be...