Newquay Town

Im lucky enough to have a family to go on holiday with, which makes me super happy. After 3 years off the family tradition, my dad decided it was time to spend some seaside time together again. That and my mums gentle persuaison.
This year was a little different.
We had a new little man with us and my sisters boyfriend.
After the most chaotic journey to Cornwall in the history of time, or mostly our time, we had finally arrived. I say chaotic, we were just stuck in holiday traffic for 9 hours.

We all settled in to Priory Lodge which is our go-to hotel for staying in Newquay. The food is great, the staff are great and it feels like a second home.

Our second day there, we managed to do what the Edwards's do best on their first day of holiday. Go to pound land. Don't ask me why. You would have thought the novelty would have worn off now its become so popular in almost every town and I am never more like 3 minutes away from about 4 in London but no. We still managed to spent £50 on stuff we "needed" for our holiday, including a selection of mugs. I did however manage to find some white twix's which may or may not have been the best find on the entire holiday, or close second with a dinosaur on a beach postcard my sister found.

We went to Pauline's tea room for our afternoon break. They make all their food homemade on the premisis which i always love, and i had a cornish cream tea because yolo. There was also a very amusing picture of "the queens of cream" which i annouced sounded like a bad porn film at the dinner table. I'm pretty sure that set the tone of the holiday.

Later that evening, as it was bank holiday, my sister, i and her boyfriend ventured out for the first time ever in Newquay. We always come on family holidays and have only been old enough once to go out drinking but didn't. We found a cool pub in the centre of Newquay called the central and wondered in after being stopped by a smouldering looking bouncer to ID us all ( looking forever young wooo!).There was a band that had just started playing, and immeditely my sister and i were screaming in each others faces a song from our childhood. I tried to call my dad to let him know it was basically him in band form but it was too loud. After having a vodka shot to "top me up", we made our way to the front. I'd like to say this was purely by accident but I would be lying. After the first 2 songs there was all of the intent to get there. We placed ourselves in front of the keyboard singer, which wed managed to do in 2 minutes whilst Ollie went for a cigarette, even though it was rammed. This, my friends, is where we managed to stay for the entire night.

Some songs came on, and for you that know me personally know that i used to be in a soulband for about 6 years. That was all it took. Out came all the soul band dance moves i have never forgotten along with my sister, Naomi (who also was in the same band at some point as a drummer) and knew all the exact same moves.
We really went for it.
The keyboard player joined in, and by the time we had left and done the conga, where i was gripping tightly to a middle aged mans waist, I looked like i had taken a shower.
A fond memory for my sister, and not so much for me was this dude who was behind me the entire night in an obnoxious stag do suit, elbowing me on top of the head everytime he moved. It was infuriating but got to the point where Naomi did it to me as a joke, and i turned around with steam coming out of my ears only to witness Naomi almost in tears with laughter. My height is sometimes a curse.

Ollie had waited super patiently and kept his eye on us all night making sure we were okay which was really lovely, and then danced us out of the building, which i guess was our cue.

The band we saw were Strawdogs Party Band
The tea room was Paulines Tearoom


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