
I am unsure what to do with my blog currently as I am being pulled towards more "real things" to talk about. I don't know what you guys prefer? But I'm being dragged by my emotions more and more away from my adventures and more towards things like psychology, body image, life and the pursuits of happiness.

Nothing too heavy then.

Whilst I was quite desperate to become a lifestyle blog first and foremost, as that's what I knew best, it started to leave me feeling empty.
The joy I once had writing about the things I had done and seen soon started to fade when they became part of my everyday life.

I realise now what I was really celebrating was my achievements of overcoming my anxiety, breaking out of comfort zones and emotional boundaries and throwing myself in the deep end.
It wasn't really about what I was doing but more about the fact I was, and why and how I was feeling whilst doing it.

I spend a lot of time now wanting to help people or make them smile and now that's what I hope reflects in my writing and now I am wondering if that is actually taking an effect.

Things I'm starting to realise I'm passionate about writing include body image, societal pressure and capitalism. A far cry from the posh cocktail I drank one day whilst sitting on a cliff.

If I could get some feed back in any form, it would be very appreciated, even if it includes interpretive dance.


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