Body Image Bullshit Pt2

I feel slightly embarrassed there even has to be a part 2.
I speak so openly and freely in the real world about sticking up for the slimmer girls and yet when i come to my rant, i completely forget about that.
Serves me right for typing as i think.

This ones for all you slender ladies.

I was in the kitchen with one of my house mates, who was telling me she feels like she's too "skinny". I was like, crap, i forgot about this side of things.
How much do these women suffer? Almost as much as the overweight or 'curvy' ones now i should think.
Since there has been a big movement to stop trying to be slim, we miss out and belittle a giant group of wonderful women who are naturally slim and slender.

Its suppose to be under the pretence of "body positive" but all we are doing is shaming a different body type which is just plain dumb.
The infamous Meghan Trainors "All about that bass" is a prime example of that.

But this is yet again, part of a bigger problem. What's that? We're letting a society that's been specifically created to make us feel inadequate and then virtually impossible to obtain anything different, dictate how we should look through the media, again?
Well bloody hell!
I am shocked to the core!

Since this, for all the girls who have ever been told that they need to eat a burger,
for all the girls that have been told that men like girls with more meat on their bones, for all the girls who struggle because they have been deemed "child like" and not "womanly", take your slinky ass power back!

You are perfect as you are. Not even taking your looks into account because they don't matter.
Don't you dare strive for anything other than what makes you happy and what makes you feel comfortable. Eat a burger if you like burgers and since when the fuck did it matter what men want our bodies to look like? Fuck magazines, media, anything that even perpetuates that as a thing. And as for how womanly you are, that is how you feel.

I have pubes, bills, hormonal and wine issues but i'm still very much a massive child inside because i like trampolines, dinosaurs and not getting up in the morning.

Not only do the naturally slim women get lots of jip, there is also a very real and very devastating other side.
I can only imagine how many slim girls (not counting out any other body types at all but just focusing on this one) who have suffered with eating disorders to obtain this "ideal" only to be told now that they are too slim. That they need to go in the gym. That lifting is the new thing. Oh fuck off.

And whilst we're on it, we're living in a world that only values looks, or at least we've been made to think that that is a thing. Think about how actually fucking crazy it is that we are being told how we need to look and its being pushed through the man made media as what is 'right', what is 'correct'. Take literally a fucking second and think about how insane that it.

I would like to tell you that you are smart, you are courageous, ambitious, empathetic, you are a nurturer.
Whilst complimenting on looks so generally is stupid as shit, it's still a thing, it is still very much here, valid and widely accepted so with that in mind, but also with no desire to perpetuate, you are beautiful as you are. There is only one of you. You do not need to be " any bigger, any curvier, any meatier" And you sure as hell don't need anyone thinking that they have the right to tell you that. It's your body and you are rocking it.

As a fun addition, i would like to create some colorful replies if you are ever greeted with one of these sentences. I like passive aggressive sarcasm.

"You should eat a burger"
OH my god! I tried one! Thanks for the recommendation, do you like olives? You should try olives, i tried them once i think they are okay and then there is veal? Do you eat veal? YOU SHOULD TRY VEAL.. Just continue with this, forever.

"Men want more meat on their bones"
Flipping eck what butchers are they going too?!

"You are child - like, it's not very womanly"
You're being mean! I WANT MY MUMMY

Remember everyone, people who pick on other people about their body is a very big indication to being uncomfortable in themselves. Whilst it's not nice to be on the receiving end, try not to be a giver.

Keep rocking your size. <3


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